2017 Annual Conference
57th Annual PNWIS Conference: Nov. 1-3, 2017:
Riverside Hotel and Conference Center, Boise, Idaho
The 57th Annual Conference of the Pacific Northwest International Section of the Air & Waste Management Association was held November 1st – 3rd 2017 in Boise, Idaho at the Riverside Hotel and Conference Center.
The conference was attended by over 170 environmental professionals representing businesses and government agencies from across the region. The conference began with the Title V workshop sponsored by Idaho Dept. Environmental Quality. The conference Keynote Speaker was Tim Hamlin, Director of the EPA Region 10 Office of Air and Waste.
PNWIS 2017 Annual Conference Program
Environmental Challenge 2017
- Conference Chair: Steve Cory
- Secretary and Publications Chair: Krista Kinsey
- Finance Chair: Zach Klotovich
- Technical Chair 1: Troy Riecke
- Technical Chair 2: Mike Wirtz
- Technical Chair 3: Rick McCormick
- Technical Chair 4: Dave Strohm
- Exhibitor Chair: Kris Hansen
- Sponsorship Chair: Steve Cory
- Communications / Website Chair: Jay McAlpine
- Awards / Recognition Chairs: Roylene Cunningham, Laurel Peterson
- Registration Chair: Norma Job
- Young Professional Program Chair: Chris Atherly
- Student Programs / Environmental Challenge Chair: Melody Kieneker
- Banquet / Entertainment Chairs: Angela Hansen, Leah Arnold
- Title V Workshop Organizers: Geoffrey Glass, Doug Hardesty
The 2017 Awards Recipients:
- Young Professional of the Year Award —
Tanya Wenzel, SLR Int.
Robert Stockman Distinguished Achievement Award
Kris Hansen – Montrose Environmental
This award is presented annually in recognition of an outstanding contribution to air and waste management in the PNWIS region and for a long-standing contribution to PNWIS.
Young Professional of the Year Award
Tanya Wenzel – SLR International
The Young Professional of the Year Award This award is presented to a young professional leader who has made an outstanding contribution to air and/or waste management in the PNWIS region and for their contributions to PNWIS.
PNWIS/A&WMA Executive Committee Award
Dan Burgard – University of Puget Sound
Laurel Peterson – SLR International
Roylene Cunningham – EPA Region 10
This award is presented to recognize persons who have gone beyond the call of duty in their volunteer work for PNWIS.
Hawkeye Award
Morrie Lewis – Idaho DEQ
This award is presented to an inspector or internal auditor who diligently enforces regulations in the PNWIS region.
Hard Hat Award
Craig Thiry – Montrose Environmental
This award is presented to a source tester or engineer who provides air pollution control or waste management through innovative techniques.
Lab Coat Award
Zach Klotovich – Idaho DEQ
This award is presented to a person demonstrating accomplishment toward pollution control through ambient air testing or waste analysis.
Environmental Achievement Award
City of Boise
Idaho Power
This award is presented to organizations that have used innovative techniques to reduce or prevent air pollution or waste.
Media Award
el.e.men’tal Idaho
This award is presented to a representative from the media who consistently presents accurate, balanced and in-depth information on the environment.
Excellence in Presentation
Janice Gedlund – Cogent Environmental Consulting
This award is presented for the best presentation of a paper or poster at the annual meeting.
YP Excellence in Presentation
Melody Kieneker – ERM
This award is presented for the best presentation of a paper or poster at the annual meeting.
Bent Black Banana
Chris Kitchen – Georgia Pacific
This award is presented to some person for some reason! The award is on the “lighter side” and is generally presented for some unusual contribution at the annual meeting.
PNWIS 2017 Certificates of Appreciation/Recognition
Steve Cory – PNWIS 2017
Krista Kinsey – PNWIS 2017
These certificates are presented to individuals, firms, agencies, or other organizations that have made some significant contribution to the fields of air pollution control and waste management or to the volunteer work of PNWIS.
Willenberg-Hansen Chapter Recognition Program Moby Awards
- Alaska Chapter
- Idaho Chapter
- Montana Chapter
- Oregon Chapter
- Puget Sound Chapter
- Vancouver Island Chapter
- Montana State Univ. Student Chapter
Eagle Award
- BC/Yukon Chapter
Student Paper Awards
- First Place (tie): Zoya Banan, Penn State: Heterogeneity of Exposure to Particulate Matter Emissions due to Marcellus Shale Gas Development in Pennsylvania, $350
- First Place (tie): Arundeep Taduri, Montana Tech.: Moss Revegetation, a Process to Revegetate and Stabilize Mine Contaminated Areas, $350
- Third Place: Kate Moreira, Montana Tech: Design Improvements for Passive Subsurface Sulfate Reducing Bioreactor for Remediation of Mine Influenced Streams, $200
2017 – Environmental Challenge
- First Place ($1,500, plus sponsorship to attend and compete in the ECi at ACE 2018). University: Western Washington University, Team Name: Kulshan Environmental , Team Members: Ian Moran, Kim Diep, Jeff Prat, Rita Foth, and Eddie Kramarevsky
- Second Place ($1,200), University: Montana Tech, Team Name: Dirt Digger Consulting. Team Members: Ethan Askam, Seth Garrity, Madison Cyr, Caelan Brady, and Carson Bechtel.
- Third Place ($800), University: University of Alaska Fairbanks, Team Name: Fairbanks Environmental Consulting. Team Members: Amanda Mitchell, Aline Collins, Nicole Knight, Kelsey Dean, and Ragen Davey