Call for Abstracts Open for the 2022 Guideline on Air Quality Models Conference

April 1, 2022 • News + Events • Views: 2011

Announcing the 2022 Guideline on Air Quality Models Conference September 13-15, 2022, Durham, NC

Building on past successes, this conference will cover the latest information on the state of the Guideline on Air Quality Models (Appendix W to 40 CFR Part 51) in advance of the U.S. EPA’s 13th Conference on Air Quality Models, expected in 2023.

With the upcoming changes and last several years of progress, this is the perfect opportunity for air quality modelers to share their research, experience and thoughts on the state of air quality modeling science, assessment of current regulatory requirements and recommendations for enhancements and new developments needed to meet future regulatory air modeling needs and requirements.

Share your knowledge and become a presenter! Abstracts of 600 words or less are being solicited for platform presentations on the following topics:

  • Modeling of Secondary Pollutant Formation, PM2.5 and Ozone
  • Long Range Transport Modeling
  • Meteorological Data Issues
  • Wind Tunnel and Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling Approaches
  • Modeling for Other Regulatory Requirements and Issues

Abstracts are due June 3, 2022. See the full Call for Abstracts (pdf) and submit your work!

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