Oregon Chapter Presents — Emerging Technologies: Air Monitoring Technical Brownbag

November 16, 2020 • News + Events, Oregon • Views: 2054

Emerging Technologies: Air Monitoring Technical Brownbag

December 3, 2020, Noon-1 PM

Come join us to hear about current developments related to non-regulatory monitoring of air pollutants in Oregon and throughout the world. A wide variety of non-regulatory and low-cost sensors are available to the general public and have led to an increase in high-density local monitoring. This wealth of available information about air quality can be used by groups such as local governments, citizen groups, and industry; however, the limitations must be recognized.


Dan Johnson will discuss Oregon DEQ’s newly developed SensOR, which will be used to expand the number of Air Quality Index sites in Oregon. Katheryn Kolesar will discuss general EPA guidelines for using low-cost sensors, the types of available technology, their benefits and limitations, and the current global footprint of low-cost sensors.



  • Dan Johnson, Oregon DEQ
  • Katheryn Kolesar, PhD, Air Sciences Inc.

When: December 3, 2020, noon- 1:00 PM

Where: Virtual Brownbag (meeting link will be sent out prior to event)

Pricing and Registration: 

A&WMA Members and Government Employees:  Free, please e-mail kkolesar@airsci.com to register.

Non-Members: $10


If you have any questions, please contact Katheryn Kolesar at  kkolesar@airsci.com.

