Tuesday, March 15, 2022, from 3:00 to 4:15 PM ET
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EPA has an active research program dedicated to understanding the impacts of air pollution on human health. The agency’s toxicological approaches provide reliable comparisons of the relative toxicity of air pollution sources that in turn guide air quality management and policy strategies designed to mitigate exposure to the most offending sources. Toxicological approaches are also critical for addressing urgent unanticipated issues, such as the health impacts of inhaled World Trade Center dust and emerging concerns, such as wildland fire smoke.
This webinar will present an overview of some the US EPA’s seminal particulate matter (PM) toxicology studies as well as recent findings, including the assessment of health effects observed in experimental models that mimic healthy and potentially susceptible populations (children, elderly, and pre existing disease), and the utility of such data in establishing the scientific basis that informs regulatory actions.
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A certificate of attendance will be offered for this webinar.
Aimen Farraj, PhD, DABT
Dr. Aimen Farraj is in his 16th year as Principal Investigator at the US EPA serving
in the Public Health and Integrated Toxicology Division. His research interests
include the cardiovascular and respiratory health effects of air pollution. He is
currently an Output Lead in the Adverse Outcome Pathway research area in the Chemical Safety and Sustainability (CSS) program of the US EPA and a Product lead in the Air, Climate, and Energy (ACE) program related to air pollution health effects. Dr. Farraj completed a dual PhD degree in Pharmacology and Environmental Toxicology at Michigan State University and two post doctoral fellowships (North Carolina State University and US EPA).
Jason Sacks, MPH
Jason Sacks is a Senior Epidemiologist in the Center for Public Health and
Environmental Assessment (CPHEA) in the Office of Research and Development (ORD) at the U.S. EPA. He is the Science Lead on the health effects of particulate matter (PM) within CPHEA. Jason plays key leadership roles in synthesizing and integrating the health effects evidence of air pollution for various National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) reviews. Jason has a B.A. in Biology from Rutgers University and a Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) from Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health.