Please join us on January 11th, 12:00 – 1:00pm for our next free (virtual) brownbag presentation hosted by the A&WMA Idaho Chapter.
Gary Reinbold, IDEQ Air Quality Emission Inventory Program Manager, will discuss the transition from use of the IDEQ Point Source Survey Tool (POSST) to EPA’s Combined Air Emissions Reporting System (CAERS). Gary will provide a bit of history about POSST and the reasoning behind the switch to CAERS. He will review both programs in a LIVE view during the presentation.
Gary has been with IDEQ for 34 years and has been involved in emissions inventory (EI) since 1999. Gary designed the online program for point source submittals which went live in 2002. Since then, Gary has led the collection of point source data in Idaho and was appointed as Program Manager in 2012.
For the first 20 RSVP’s FREE lunch will be delivered directly to you prior to the start of the meeting. The following RSVP information is required.
(1) Full address of your location on January 11th to receive the lunch delivery around 11:30am.
(2) Any dietary restrictions.
RSVP to awma.idaho@gmail.com and you will receive a Teams calendar invite.