Call for Abstracts
PNWIS 2023
“Summit by the Sound”
You are cordially invited to submit an abstract for the Pacific Northwest International Section (PNWIS) of the Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA) 2023 annual conference. The conference will be held October 25 – 27, 2023 at the Suquamish Clearwater Resort at the Suquamish Nation.
We are soliciting presentations to be given during the conference through this call for abstracts including these main program themes:
- Policy and Regulation
- Waste Management
- Air Quality and Environmental Sustainability
- Water and Wastewater Technology
Presentations will be 20 minutes with a 5-minute question period following each presentation. We are also seeking session chairs.
To learn more, and for links to the online submission form, please visit the website at the link below:
Call for Abstracts – 61st Annual PNWIS Conference – 2023
Questions? Interested in sponsoring, exhibition booths, or chairing a technical session? Please find contact information available on the conference website.