PNWIS Board Meeting – Feb. 11th, 2022

February 11, 2022 • News + Events • Views: 1339

The PNWIS Board met virtually today for our February 2022 quarterly meeting. The Board, representatives from the PNWIS chapters, and PNWIS committee chairs met to discuss the budget, review recent activities, plan future events, and receive updates on annual conference planning.

Planning for the PNWIS 2022 annual conference is well underway. Conference Chair Jenelle Scott of Spring Environmental and the Inland Northwest A&WMA chapter, presented the new members of the planning committee and the work underway to put together the annual conference. A ‘Save the Date’ announcement has been released, announcing the October 11th – 13th, 2022 dates for the conference, to be held in person at the Coeur d’ Alene Resort in Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho.

The PNWIS Board is currently recruiting for our next Vice-President. The VP will serve as an assistant to the next Board President and will be appointed as the PNWIS President the following year. If you are interested in the role, have questions about the role, or would like to nominate a colleague, please reach out to current PNWIS President Amy Peccia at APeccia [at]

The PNWIS chapters are all actively planning to hold in-person networking and technical events later this year. If you have ideas for a networking, social, tour, or technical event, please feel free to reach out to us at PNWIS [at] PNWIS.ORG with your ideas.


