Virtual Brownbag – Wednesday, November 2nd – Carl Brown, IDEQ’s Air Rule and Zero-Based Rulemaking

October 17, 2022 • Idaho, News + Events • Views: 3184

Please join us on Wednesday November 2nd, 12:00 – 1:00pm for our next free (virtual) brownbag presentation hosted by the A&WMA Idaho Chapter.

Carl Brown is the Air Quality Rules and Planning Coordinator for the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and will go over the most recent rulemaking effort: Docket number 58-01010-2101.  It is comprised of three parts.

  • The air program’s Zero Based Rulemaking DEQ initiated this rulemaking in compliance with Executive Order No. 2020-01 issued by Governor Little on January 16, 2020.  The goal of the rulemaking is to perform a critical and comprehensive review of the entire chapter to reduce overall regulatory burden, streamline various provisions, and increase clarity and ease of use.  As a result of this effort DEQ is proposing to delete over 25,000 words.  Combined with other recent rulemaking efforts, the air program will have deleted over 30% of the total word count once finalized.
  • The air program’s annual incorporation by reference rulemaking.  This rulemaking updates federal regulations incorporated by reference with a July 1, 2022 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) effective date.
  • And a revised fee structure for Title V sources.  In January 2018, the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) decreased its emissions such that it will no longer be required to have a Title V operating permit and, therefore, will no longer pay Title V permitting fees. Since the inception of the Title V permitting program, the INL has paid a Title V permitting fee of $500,000, which covered far more than its share of program costs. Without this significant sum, it was necessary for DEQ to negotiate a revision to the current fee structure to ensure there is sufficient funding to cover the costs of administering the Title V program in Idaho.

Carl has worked at Idaho DEQ for over 15 years. He started at DEQ focusing on air toxics and the state toxic air pollutant rule. He has been the air quality “expert” on many issues including mercury deposition in Idaho, the Clean Power Plan, and now any air quality rule revisions. Carl has also worked on several state implementation plan revisions including a revision to the crop residue burning program, redesignation of the Cache Valley nonattainment area to attainment, and Idaho’s regional haze update.  Prior to working at DEQ, Carl worked in the semiconductor industry mostly as a contractor supporting Micron.  He has a Ph.D. from Stanford University and a BS from Furman University.  Carl has lived in Idaho for over 25 years and served as President of our Idaho A&WMA Chapter.

For the first 20 RSVP’s FREE lunch will be delivered directly to you prior to the start of the meeting.  The following RSVP information is required.

(1) Full address of your location on November 2nd to receive the lunch delivery around 11:30am.

(2) Any dietary restrictions.

 RSVP to and you will receive a Teams calendar invite.

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