WA Dept. Ecology – Climate mitigation and land use planner position at Lacey, WA

March 23, 2022 • Jobs, Puget Sound Jobs • Views: 704

The Shorelands & Environmental Assistance and the Air Quality Program (AQP) within the Department of Ecology is looking to fill a Climate mitigation and land use planner (Environmental Planner 4) position. 

This position is located at the Headquarters Office in Lacey, WA.

Transportation is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Washington and we need to quickly reduce these emissions to avoid the worst effects of climate change. Land use planning has significant impacts on how much we need to get around, but not all plans are optimized to reduce transportation demand and minimize emissions. This is a senior-level environmental planning position that will coordinate with state agencies, local and Tribal governments, technical and academic experts, and others to develop guidance that local governments can use to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through land use planning. In this position you will also develop rules and guidance under the State Environmental Policy Act to make sure that greenhouse gas emissions estimates for proposed developments and projects are done accurately and consistently. This unique position will coordinate between two different environmental programs at Ecology, the Shorelands and Environmental Assistance Program, which oversees planning and the State Environmental Protection Act, and the Air Quality Program, which oversees efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Direct questions to Jake Barkman at the Department of Ecology:  roba461@ecy.wa.gov
