Call for A&WMA PNWIS Board Nominees

December 16, 2022 • News + Events, Puget Sound • Views: 2670

Call for A&WMA PNWIS Board Nominees

Nominations are now being accepted for candidates to serve on the PNWIS Board of Directors!

If you would like to become more involved in the Air & Waste Management Association Pacific Northwest International Section, get on the ballot! There are several opportunities in 2023.

The following positions will be on the ballot – terms begin in May 2023:

  • President-elect: 2023-2024
    • Note: Three-year commitment. Will serve a one-year President-elect term, then
      automatically succeed the President in the following year, and then serve as Past-
      President in the third year.
  • Secretary: 2023-2025 (two-year term)
  • Treasurer-elect: 2023-2025
    • Note: Four-year commitment. Will serve a two-year Treasurer-elect term, and then
      succeed the Treasurer in the following biennium.
  • Director 1: 2023-2025 (two-year term)
  • Director 2: 2023-2025 (two-year term)

Any PNWIS member in good standing may nominate themselves for one or more positions open in 2023. If you know of someone that would be a good candidate, encourage them to submit a self-nomination or nominate them on their behalf (with their approval) by December 31, 2022, at 5:00 p.m.!

If you are interested in becoming a PNWIS Board member and if you would like more information, please submit a short bio describing the position you are nominating yourself for, your work experience in the environmental field, years of experience, and past and present involvement in PNWIS to:

The deadline for submitting your candidate bio is Friday, December 31, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. All candidates must be current A&WMA PNWIS members in good standing.

Board members will be selected by the general PNWIS membership via an electronic vote.

Not ready to be a PNWIS board member? We are always looking for volunteers to serve on various committees and at the Chapter level.

  • If you are interested in Chapter opportunities, visit your Chapter’s webpage
  • If you are interested in learning more about PNWIS committees, reach out to one of the current board members for more information at


PNWIS is a catalyst for environmental leadership by providing a neutral forum for discussion, education, and networking on technical issues relating to environmental management in the U.S., Pacific Northwest, and Western Canada. The Mission of A&WMA is to assist in the professional development and critical environmental decision-making of our members to benefit society. The core Purpose of A&WMA is to improve environmental knowledge and decisions by providing a neutral forum for exchanging information.

