Source Evaluation Society Webinar

November 29, 2020 • News + Events • Views: 2448


Observation and Validation of Extractive FTIR Test Data; 

Regulatory, Industry, Tester, and Manufacturer Perspectives 

Tuesday January 19th, 2021 from 11 am EST to 2 pm EST 

Webinar Moderators 

  • Laura Kinner, Emission Monitoring Inc. 
  • Phil Kauppi, Montrose Air Quality Services 


  • Dave Nash, US EPA, Agency’s Perspective on FTIR Data Validation 
  • Phil Kauppi, Montrose Air Quality Services, Tester’s Perspective on FTIR Data Validation Sylvie Bosch-Charpenay, MKS Instruments, Vendor’s Perspective on FTIR Data Validation John Nestor, Mostardi Platt, Tester’s Perspective will present data comparing EPA Method 320 vs.  Method 25A for VOC measurement on RICE Sources 


This webinar builds on Session 8 from the postponed SSSAAP Conference in April 2020. The focus is how  independent observers can verify that FTIR test data are valid, and to the extent possible, the accuracy of results  while still in the field. The importance of field validation is stressed because that is the time that decisions are  made. If problems are found with the instrumentation or sampling system, fixes can be affected while the tester  is still on site. If process upsets are detected or more test conditions are needed, additional test runs can be  performed. The benefits of on-site field-validated, known accuracy data are obvious to source operators making  important decisions and to regulatory observers. 

The FTIR is a powerful tool used in many applications and its use is best served when the data produced can  be used in real time. Compliance demonstrations with emissions standards and relative accuracy tests are only  a small part of how this technique is used in industry and research applications. Many capital expenditure  decisions are made using FTIR engineering study test data. Performance guarantees are also evaluated using  FTIR test data, with high-dollar amounts on the line. 

The webinar presentations will begin with a regulatory perspective and flow to FTIR tester, FTIR manufacturer, and industry user. The final presenter will show a comparative data set with a real-world example of how the  data were validated. 


The webinar is scheduled for three hours and will include four 25-minute presentations followed by a moderated  panel discussion. The virtual format will allow for audience participation using the chat box.


To register for the webinar, please visit this link Link to Registration 

Note that SES is offering this webinar free of charge for SES members 

To check your membership status, please email the SES Secretary at To join SES visit this link: Link to SES Membership Info 


For more information, contact the webinar facilitators: 

Angela Hansen, Montrose Air Quality Services,

Antoinette Chartier, Hospitality Management Systems, 

Webinar Planning Committee 

Laura Kinner, Emission Monitoring Inc., 

Sean Warden, Dominion Energy Services,

Bob Finken, Montrose Air Quality Services, 

Angela Hansen, Montrose Air Quality Services,

Antoinette Chartier, Hospitality Management Systems,
