A&WMA ACE 2021 Call For Abstracts!

October 24, 2020 • News + Events • Views: 2004

Submit your work and present at the most comprehensive

conference on environmental technology and regulation

ACE 2021 — Environmental Resiliency for Tomorrow

Florida’s abundant coastline, diverse ecosystem and weather bring issues of climate change, sea level rise, and environmental resiliency to the forefront of environmental concerns. ACE 2021 will bring leading environmental professionals together to tackle the strategies and policies needed for developing new and innovative approaches to build a more resilient and sustainable world.

A&WMA’s Annual Conference is recognized as the premier international conference where over 1,000 of the world’s environmental experts come to learn the latest information on air, climate change, environmental management, resource conservation, and waste. With 300+ platform and poster presentations, 35+ panels, and up to 10 concurrent tracks each day, ACE is the perfect opportunity to share new ideas and develop solutions to current and emerging environmental issue.

Abstracts for platform presentations, posters, and panels are due November 30.

Abstract submittal site open!

Many formats are accepted, including full-length manuscript, extended abstract with technical review or outline, or PowerPoint presentation with content review.

Find the complete Call for Abstracts and directions on the ACE 2021 Author Resource Center and submit your abstract online now.

Share your work, gain recognition, advance science, hear ground-breaking research, and interact with some of the brightest minds in the industry—all at ACE 2021!

We’re looking for the latest and greatest research, ideas, and solutions in the environmental industry on topics including, but not limited to:

  • 2021 Mini Symposium — Environmental Resiliency
  • Hot Topics — Coastal Adaptation, Sugarcane Burning, COVID-19 Impacts, Carbon Tax/Markets, Clean Technology, Zero Waste
  • Air Emissions—Stationary/Mobile Sources, Inventory, Modeling, Measurements, Monitoring, Controls
  • Air Quality, Visibility, Data QA/QC
  • Bioenergy, Biofuels, Biogas, Landfills
  • Brownfield Redevelopment
  • Environmental Program Administration
  • Climate Change — Science, Policy, Impacts, Mitigation, Adaptation
  • Health, Safety and Environmental Effects and Exposure
  • Oil & Gas, Power Generation, Heavy Industry and General Manufacturing
  • PFAS and Emerging Contaminants of Concern
  • Regulatory and Legal Issues
  • Sustainability and Resource Conservation
  • Transportation and Land Use
  • Waste Treatment, Processing & Waste-to-Energy

Make your plans to attend ACE 2021 as a presenter now! 

Get your company noticed with an exhibit or sponsorship! Committing early means more exposure and we have many packages to meet your needs and budget. 

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