Annual Environmental Challenge Booster
Puget Sound Chapter meeting — virtual via webinar (link sent to registrants)
The Puget Sound Chapter is hosting a virtual event on October 27th to provide students participating in this year’s Environmental Challenge (held by PNWIS virtually in November), a chance to present and discuss their plan and strategies to the Puget Sound Chapter. Traditionally, the Chapter has held this event to provide the students an opportunity to seek feedback and advice from environmental professionals and chapter leadership.
Environmental Challenge teams from universities in Western Washington were invited to participate.
If you are an A&WMA member, non-member, environmental professional, student, or interested community member, you are invited to attend! This event is free.
We are striving to maintain the confidentiality of each team’s proposals and feedback. Students and advisors from opposing teams will participate in virtual breakout rooms to maintain confidentiality.
We are asking attendees to please RSVP to pschapter@pnwis.org to register. Please provide your name, association/business/school, and email contact. The MS-Teams webinar link and meeting information will be provided to registered attendees by October 23rd.
If you need more information or have any questions, please contact Chapter Chair Jay McAlpine at mcalpine.jay@epa.gov, jdmac6@gmail.com, or call/text at (775) 247-4694.
Tags: environmental challenge, puget sound chapter, virtual event